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About the Heisman Trophy

30 September 2014

If you think that the trophy which truly represents the epitome of American football is the superbowl, then maybe you ought to take another look at the books. There is actually one trophy which every football player desires more than winning the superbowl and that is the Heisman trophy. What exactly is this award and what makes it so desirable to football players?

Let us first examine the origins of the Heisman trophy. Its actual name is the Heisman Memorial Trophy Award. Since it is actually quite inconvenient to say the whole thing, people have shortened the name to just "the Heisman trophy". The Heisman trophy is actually named after John Heisman, a legendary football player and coach. John Heisman revolutionized the game of football by incorporating different components. Because of this, people receiving the Heisman trophy feel the weight of the legacy behind it.

The Heisman trophy is actually awarded once a year to the player deemed to be the best in the sport. That's right, winning the Heisman trophy means that a person has reached the very pinnacle of football. For a football player, the only thing better than getting the Heisman trophy is getting it more than once.

However, winning the Heisman trophy is not really open to professional football players. Actually, the Heisman trophy is reserved for those playing collegiate ball. How would this make the Heisman trophy better than the Superbowl? Many people would probably be wondering why the Heisman trophy is considered to be the most prestigious award which can be achieved in the sport.

The answer to that lies in the fact that the Heisman trophy cannot just be won. People have to earn the award. How? Well, the winner of the Heisman trophy is actually decided though voting. This is not just any type of voting, however, as every state in the country is represented in the voting. Of course, there's a tendency for people to vote only for their own candidates, and this is part of the reason why the Heisman trophy is so prestigious.

If you have enough talent to command the respect of people and convince them to vote for you, then the Heisman trophy is rendered all the more meaningful. The Heisman trophy also lays the foundation for players who want to make it into the pros. The Heisman trophy actually increases the chances of winners to get into the best leagues in pro football. Unfortunately, the Heisman trophy alone does not really help one play better pro football.

Another reason why the Heisman trophy is so prestigious is the fact that people who win the award are all experienced players. Even now, there has yet to be a freshman or sophomore who garners this award. Winning the Heisman trophy shows that a person has been tried and tested in the field of sweat and blood. Winning the Heisman trophy not only shows that a person has been weighed, but that he has been found more than sufficient.

It wouldn’t be safe to say that every person who won the Heisman trophy has lived on to enjoy a successful life. After all, there's O.J. to consider. However, it could be rightly said that the Heisman trophy will definitely help give a person that extra boost in the right direction.

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