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A Place to Live in Chicago

27 September 2014

According to surveys, the national vacancy rates in the United States have dropped 40 percent over the past two years. These figures signify that there are fewer and fewer vacant apartments for renters especially in a major city like Chicago, Illinois.

Being the largest city in the US, Chicago depicts a diverse city with a variety of flourishing cultures. In fact, majority of this population are enjoys various activities featured in the city like major league sports such as baseball, hockey, and soccer. Aside from this sports attraction, Chicago also features some of the finest and premier theater districts in the country.

Musically inclined students and young professionals can also enjoy music clubs that feature jazz, blues, and house music artists. Aside from that, Chicago is also home of several most important paintings of the last century housed in the Art Institute and in the Museum of Science and Industry.

Having this continuous growing population and industry, future renters can expect the remaining vacant or apartments for rent to move fast and comparatively higher prices.


Whether you are renting your very first apartment or moving from another city to Chicago for a new job new city, one of the major things you have to decide on is choosing and finding a place to live.

Since apartments have become the most common form of housing in different cities and states in the US, you don’t have to be afraid that you’ll end up living in the streets when you decide to move out.

Indeed, renting an apartment in Chicago opens up a quick, easy, and affordable venue for you to achieve your goals in a flourishing city like this.

Like any other important decisions and career moves you have to consider, looking for an apartment for rent in Chicago would require you to acquire as much information you need in order to come up with good decision.

If there are two things that should be of primary concern to you when you finally decide to move into an apartment for rent in Chicago, that should be the price and safety. In Chicago, and in any other cities, renters should consider the price of the apartment they are planning to rent before jumping into a lease.

Most financial experts agree that a tenant should never spend more than a quarter to a third of his or her monthly income in paying the apartment’s rent. If you are planning to find an apartment for rent in Chicago, you should walk around and take note of the buildings that advertise apartment vacancies by posting “Apartment for Rent” signs on the front doors because these apartments are the most affordable in town.

Unfortunately, this sign is quite rare in Chicago because the building managers and landlords use apartment search services and classified ads to advertise their vacant units.

If you’re looking an apartment in Chicago, make sure that you don’t start in the months of September, April, and May. This would be a futile attempt to land an apartment for rent in Chicago because the school term has just begun and the school season has just ended.

Next to price, the second most consideration is the safety of the place for you and your family. It is expected that of you avail of a higher rent, you’ll have a better the neighborhood and a lower crime rate.

If you can, visit the neighborhood or call the police for the latest crime statistics before you finally sign any lease. If you cant afford high apartment rents, make sure that you already bought insurance, installed alarms, and placed bars on windows to ensure your safety.

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